Basic Education

  • ADEAFriday, March 15, 2019 - 12:05 

    In commemoration of the students massacred by the apartheid regime on June 16, 1976 in Soweto, South Africa, for demonstrating against their inferior education and demanding respect for their right to instruction in their own language, the African Union (AU) has observed the Day of the African Child (DAC) every year since 1991.

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  • ADEAMonday, December 17, 2018 - 21:15 

    Maggie Moore’s pupils learn more and faster for three simple reasons: time, resources, and support. Bridge helps her by providing adequate instructional time, quality instructional materials, and explicit guidance for her teaching. Bridge is designed to deliver a consistent, high-quality education to all students. So, while Maggie Moore is certainly special, every one of her colleagues receives this same backing...

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  • ADEAFriday, March 15, 2019 - 13:10 

    The International Day of Peace – a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples – is observed around the world on 21 September. The theme for 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” Education is a core element of peace.

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  • ADEAFriday, March 15, 2019 - 14:21 

    The Day of the African Child is celebrated by the African Union every year in memory of the June 16, 1976 student uprising in Soweto, South Africa, when demonstrators were massacred by the apartheid regime.

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  • ADEATuesday, November 28, 2023 - 09:52 

    Ministers, and ministerial representatives from 21 African countries agreed on a foundational learning starter pack model as a resource guide to ensure uniformity, continuity, and sustainability. They further resolved to collect relevant data, working with ADEA and partners, to inform policy and decisions on foundational learning, foster dialogue and peer learning, and share good practices on what works in foundational learning in support of African Union's Year of Education. 

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  • ADEATuesday, January 31, 2023 - 09:03 

    One in five primary school-age children in sub-Saharan Africa are out of school; their number is nearly as high as it was in 1990. Only two in three children in the region complete primary school by age 15. Among those who do, only 3 in 10 achieve the minimum proficiency level in reading, meaning that barely one in five children do so overall.

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  • ADEAWednesday, January 25, 2023 - 08:57 

    The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi resulted in more than one million people being killed in 100 days and Rwanda became considered a failed state. Since then, Rwanda has steadily managed to move from an emergency phase into a development phase. Rwanda's education system has undergone significant change during the country’s national Vision 2020 (Republic of Rwanda, 2012). In 2015, the government drafted Vision 2050 (Republic of Rwanda, 2015), setting out a long-term strategic vision for the nation. Vision 2050 states that Rwanda's education system will be market driven and competence based.

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  • ADEAWednesday, January 25, 2023 - 08:58 

    The Spotlight Study: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC Spotlight Study) provides education partners with a fact-based diagnosis of the national education system, with a focus on basic education and foundational learning. It seeks to highlight the progress made within the system in relation to the impact of factors such as education vision, teaching and learning, teachers, leadership and management, assessment, parent and community intervention, and evaluation of basic education and foundational learning.

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  • ADEAWednesday, January 25, 2023 - 08:59 

    The purpose of this report is to review progress and challenges related to basic education in Senegal. The report provides a solid argument for the application of measures that are likely to accelerate the achievement of targets 4.1 and 4.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a framework to which Senegal has committed. Using evidence on the education system, the report is also an advocacy tool for public decision makers, national and local actors, and technical and financial partners.

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  • ADEAMonday, September 14, 2020 - 23:04 

    Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954 and is celebrated on November 20 each year to offers each of us an inspirational entry-point to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for children.

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