Toolkit - A guide for the Formulation and Implementation of National Book and Reading Policies in Africa

In order to effectively and efficiently help ADEA member countries to adopt the continental framework for book and reading policies formulation and implementation, and to assist them to engage necessary steps to formulate their book and reading policies, the ADEA ICQN-TL: Books and Leaming Materials (BLM) section has developed this Toolkit along with supporting documents (Continental Framework, Brochure and Questionnaire), that will serve as a quick reference guide to stakeholders to easily understand the need for the policy and the process for systematic and coherent formulation and implementation of a National Book and Reading Policy (NBRP).
The Continental Framework on Book and Reading Policy Formulation in Africa has been commissionned by the African Union Commission (AUC) in 2009 and revised by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) in 2019 with the technical support of Ruth Makotsi, Aliou Sow and Lily Nyariki.