Spotlight on basic education completion and foundational learning: Ghana
Access has been a historic strength of Ghana’s education system, although issues remain with over-age enrolment. While there is some recent encouraging progress in reading, basic education learning outcomes remain low. Since 2017, Ghana has embarked on an ambitious set of reforms, including development of teacher standards, introduction of a new curriculum, establishment of fee-free senior secondary education, an overhaul of pre-service teacher education and reforms to improve accountability and learning outcomes across basic schools.
Fieldwork findings show that Ghana is generally considered to be doing well on ‘clarity of national vision, leadership and roles’ and ‘effective and appropriate curriculum’ but that ‘adequate resources focused on foundational literacy and numeracy’ and ‘community and parental engagement’ are areas of concern. While there are good examples of effective supportive supervision and teacher delivery of the new curriculum, these are also areas where consistency and improvement are needed if Ghana is to achieve the Education Strategic Plan 2018–2030 objectives.
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