ADEA’s 30th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet - 30 Years Contributing to Education and Training in Africa
This booklet is a special publication commemorating 30 years of remarkable history and extra-ordinary accomplishments and service of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) to education and training on the continent. Thirty years in the life of an individual is a relatively short period and does not usually call for significant celebrations. For an organization, it is a long time particularly in the context of high mortality rate of organizations. More importantly, the enormous accomplishments over this period eloquently bespeak years of commitment, dedication and hard work. It is, therefore, a matter for pride that ADEA is celebrating three decades of excellent service to education as well as the prospects for greater accomplishments in the transformation of education for inclusive growth and sustainable development.
This publication is also a celebration of the African governments, development cooperation partners, philanthropic organizations and individuals whose grit, commitment, technical expertise and enormous financial support sustained ADEA for the last thirty years. We thank all the wonderful and generous individuals and entities for supporting ADEA’s remarkable achievement in the firmament of education development and transformation on the African continent.