Conference on Girls’ Education in Africa
Theme:“Towards gender equality in education: Positioning youth to champion Africa’s education agenda”
The inaugural Conference on Girls’ Education in Africa seeks to identify strategies and opportunities for promoting youth leadership and engagement in regional, continental and international education dialogue on gender equality with a specific focus on the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) and Agenda 2063.
This conference comes at a time when FAWE is also celebrating 25 years since its founding in 1992. FAWE’s 10th Triennial General Assembly and the visioning for the next five-year strategic plan 2019-2023 will also be taking place at the conference.
Youth leadership and engagement
FAWE will seek a youthful perspective on issues of gender equality in education from its current beneficiaries, the alumni of FAWE initiatives and youth from partner organizations. The invited youth will engage with the policy makers’ to identify opportunities of engagement in moving the continental and global education agendas. The conference will see young entrepreneurs, innovators, professionals and leaders share their own experiences before the African Girls’ Education Fund is officially launched.
Emerging evidence on girls’ education
In the face of a changing education landscape in Africa, researchers and practitioners will share emerging evidence and new research findings on girls and women’s education; it’s implications on SDG 4 and 5 and CESA 16-25, which will be the basis for FAWE’s strategy 2019-2023. Governments and partners represented will be actively engaged as FAWE advocates for the mainstreaming of various models that have accelerated girls and women’s education. Strategic partnerships that promote girls’ and women’s education will also be established and nurtured.
Policy dialogue
The conference presents a great opportunity for engaging policy makers and partners on scaling up and mainstreaming models that have accelerated girls and women’s education. FAWE will introduce and launch the Gender Equality Strategy for CESA 16-25, and discussion will centre on strategies on how to support and monitor AU member state integrate gender equality into the implementation processes of CESA 16-25.
The silver jubilee
In celebration of 25 years since its founding, FAWE will be telling the story of its journey, its highs and lows over the last quarter of a century. The vision carriers of FAWE, past and present, will commit to expanding the network beyond its current reach in order to stretch its sphere of influence in promoting girls’ education.
A show case of best practices
The conference will provide a good opportunity for various stakeholders in education to demonstrate their work, showcase their best practices in promoting girls and women’s education and other products to the more than 300 participants that are expected to attend. There will be exhibition space and sponsorship opportunities are now available for those interested reaching a captive audience comprised of Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and Directors from ministries of education and other dockets across Africa, university administrators, youth, representatives from the 34 FAWE National Chapters, prominent women educationalists and other professional women of Africa who work towards promoting girls’ education in their countries.
FAWE corporate governance - About the General Assembly
The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of FAWE. Only the Ordinary Members of FAWE are entitled to attend and vote at the General Assembly. All other categories of members may at their expense and without having voting rights attend the General Assembly Meetings but not closed door meetings. FAWE members drawn from female leaders in education across Africa will convene to review the organization’s progress towards meeting organizational goals and elect a new membership into its governance structure. The 10th triennial General Assembly will take place on 25 August 2017.