ADEA WGEMPS presents ADEA at GPE Meeting of the African Constituencies
The Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS) attended the GPE meeting of the Africa Constituencies, which took place in Bujumbura, Burundi, June 11-12, 2014.
The meeting was organized by GIZ backup on behalf of GPE. 0ver 30 countries were represented. The purpose of the meeting was to present the latest GPE funding model and the implications for the GPE replenishment conference taking place this week in Brussels. The new model seeks to ensure a clear link between GPE funding and sector performance. Hence, under the new model, one of the bases for accessing GPE funding will be the availability of education data to monitor the education sector.
The Interim Coordinator of WGEMPS presented ADEA, highlighting in particular its relationship with the AUC, the RECs and countries. She illustrated in more detail ADEA’s network in the area of EMIS from the continental levels down to the national levels – including the AU EMIS restricted technical committee, RECs Committees made up of national EMIS specialists, and countries. WGEMP’s intervention at these different levels has been key in establishing norms and standards. The AU initiative has allowed the customization of regional EMIS codes of practice that have been formalized in an assessment framework for at least three RECS – ECOWAS, SADC and EAC. ECCAS Ministers are still in the process of adopting these norms. The current phase involves ADEA supporting RECs to conduct peer reviews of country compliance with these norms. Currently, Swaziland, Botswana, Mozambique, Ghana and a selected EAC country have or are about to begin the process of undergoing a peer EMIS review benchmarking country performance against the regional norms.
Countries requested that ADEA work with GPE to synergize efforts in terms of an agreed data strategy and the integration of GPE indicators into the continental framework.
Following the meeting, ADEA WGEMPS drafted a Pledge that was read by the Minister of Cameroun, Chair of ADEA, at the Second GPE replenishment conference in Brussels which took place June 25-26, 2014.
For more information contact Angela Arnott, Interim Coordinator, Working Group on Education Management and Policy Support,