Climate Change Counts: Strengthening Universities Contributions to Climate Compatible Development in Southern Africa
This document is the result of an extensive mapping study to establish needs and existing institutional contributions to climate compatible development knowledge production (research, teaching and learning, community and policy outreach) in SADC countries, involving primarily the 62 universities that are part of the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA). It is based on questionnaire data, document analysis and consultations with universities and stakeholders involved in climate compatible development knowledge production in 12 southern African countries. The study provides the first ‘baseline’ analysis of the role of universities in knowledge co-production for climate compatible development.
Each Country Report brings together background documentation on climate change, insights into knowledge and research needs and capacity gaps (individual and institutional), a mapping of existing university roles and contributions to climate compatible development (CCD); as well as a discussion on possibilities for CCD learning pathways and future collaborative knowledge co-production and use. Each Country report in Volume 2, which inform Volume 1: the integrated regional Knowledge Co-production Framework of the Climate Change Counts mapping study, and which includes comparative regional analysis using the outputs of the other SADC countries, as well as the proposed regional framework for collaborative research on climate compatible development.