Evaluation Report: Innovations for Monitoring Teacher and Learner Attendances - Namibia Pilot Project

The 2017/18 pilot project implemented the school attendance reporting module of an existing ICT-based school management system, named School-Link, in 103 schools across Namibia including a mobile school with over 3,000 students. The project’s main objectives were to improve monitoring and evaluation at school level, establish the correlation between school attendance and learning outcomes, provide recommendations for improvement of the school attendance policy in the country, and contribute to the development of a typical model including a set of variables and factors that influence an effective school attendance data management system, replicable in other countries.
The evaluation report decoded the entire project processes, starting from the inception, project preparation, project implementation arrangements, project activities, all the way up to project sustainability and replicability. It demonstrated the correlation between school absenteeism and learning outcomes, and proffered recommendations for capacity development, sensitization and improvement of school attendance policy in Namibia.