Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) Journal Volume 3, July 2018

This bi-annual CESA Journal provides the platform to engage all stakeholders and highlight reflections, debates, activities and innovative interventions for strength- ening education and training towards the “Africa We Want”.
The last session of the Specialised Tech- nical Committee on Education, Science and Technology held in Cairo, Egypt from the 21st–23rd of October, 2017 commended progress made in CESA implementation, and took decisions on a range of matters, including Girls and Women’s Education, School Feeding, the Pan African Universi- ty as well as African Writers and Teacher Development.
I take this opportunity to extend an open invitation to participate in CESA activities, join existing Clusters and create new CESA Clusters as well.
In the second half of 2018, many excit- ing activities are already scheduled that will have far reaching impact across the
education landscape. These include the launch of the CESA Thematic Cluster on Early Childhood Education; the Technical consultation on AU Continental Teacher Mobility and Qualification Framework; and the AU Flaghsip event: Innovating Educa- tion in Africa Expo.
Significantly, we extend appreciation to Member States and the commission for their efforts to implement CESA 16-25. We look forward to an exciting, fruitful and impactful 2018 working in partnership with you all.
Finally, we want to extend a bouquet of gratitude to the Chairperson of the Com- mission H.E. (Dr.) Moussa Faki Mahamat for his indefatigable commitment to the reali- zation of Agenda 2063.
H.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor